Tw of the exercises from, (2) "inner EXCAVATION" is to first create a working 'word toolbox' and then to use these words to inspire, nudge and explore your inner poet and 'Just Write'. This is what I wrote;
She stands in the garden
planting, hoeing, weeding,
Nurturing and loving.
She smiles to herself
patiently waiting, ever planning,
Ever nurturing and Loving.
She watches as they grow
With wild abandon, and free from restraints.
She nurtures and Loves.
When asked, "How do you raise such beauty?"
You will hear her response,
With continuous nurturing and Love.
Growing up we never had much but my Mother, Anne tended to us as she tended her garden...
With much Nurturing and Love.
Thank you Mom.
Temper Tantrum
I see a child
She yells and screams
loud words obscene.
But, no one hears her,
No one cares.
She stomps her feet now,
this too in vain,
Won't any one listen?
Pay attention to me! She hollers in pain.
But no one sees, no one hears,
Still no one cares.
She's all grown up now,
Stuck in her head,
with her angry words, and fits of rage.
For the child within
Feels only pain,
For she never learned to care.
There can only be compassion for this poor child...But, only she can stop the suffering by learning to love herself.
We all have a little child within. It is our job as adults to create a loving space within our own hearts for that child. A place where they feel loved, safe and cherished.
Give yourself permission to cry, grieve and long for what may have been missing from your own experiences as a youth. did you miss out on things, feel un-loved by one or both of your parents? Grieve this, let go and then move on. If you learn to be the perfect parent to your self/child within you will find great peace and forgiveness. What does that look like for you? Do you need to:
- Nurture your talents
- Love yourself unconditionally
- Give yourself a gently nudge to try new things
- Remove old labels that don't reflect the real you
Till next time,
Love and Laughter,
(1) Eckhart Tolle ~ "A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose"
(2) Liz Lamoreux ~ "inner EXCAVATION, Explore Your Self Through Photography, Poetry and Mixed Medias"