Good day sunshine, welcome.
I've been blogging for a while now but, I haven't really introduced myself or talked about what makes me tick as an artist. So, I thought I would do a Q & A blog so you could get to know me better.
Q ~ Where are you from?
A ~ I grew up in the country on a little hobby farm just outside of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada. We had, cats, dogs, chickens and every now and again we would rent our back field out to friends or neighbors for their horses. Since growing up and moving out I have lived many different places and traveled North America quite extensively. Though I feel quite worldly there will always be a little bit of that country girl in me.
Q ~ When did you find your artistic talent?
A ~ I began drawing at the age of 17 when I was pregnant with my first child. I was about to become a single parent and I found it to be very soothing and therapeutic. But, it wasn't until much later in life that I began to take it serious and go to the next level.
Q ~ Where do you get your inspiration?
A ~ I find inspiration all around me; nature, past experiences, and from within the painting itself.
Q ~ What is your creative process like?
A ~ Great question. Though it can vary from day to day, most days look something like this...
Get my but out of bed, grab a coffee & some toast, start doodling to get things going.
I usually listen to music while I work. Once I feel ready, in an artistic frame of mind, I move on to a canvas. If I'm starting something new I begin by putting down some color that appeals to me on that given day. This usually has to do with my mood. I dance, sing, and play with the colors and layers until I begin to see things take shape or some type of form and then I begin to work around that. It may be an idea or a concept OR it could actually be a known figure, a person, animal, or other object.
If for some reason I'm having trouble, artist block, I will go for a walk, meditate, exercise or call a friend... then I get back to the painting.
That's it in a nut shell.
Q ~ Why do you paint?
A ~ Because I can't imagine NOT painting.
Q ~ What do you think is your biggest obstacle?
A ~ Myself. I think fear and my own self doubt is the biggest obstacle to overcome. I'm working on it.
So, that's me, the Who, What, When, Where and Why. I hope to get to know many of you. I will be adding a YouTube channel this year to share more of myself and work. So, keep in touch. Share your URL, blog, twitter, and YouTube with me. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
Add me on Twitter, PrairieMroz