Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Beauty is skin deep.

My art challenge for you today is a self portrait OR portrait. It can be in any style, preferably in YOUR style.

As an artist I have always been fascinated by the structure of faces. No two people are alike and once you start looking with an artistic eye, everyone is beautiful in there own way.

Step 1 - Draw a circle or an oval
           - Draw a line down the centre, if you want the head tilted then draw it at an angle as I have done here
           - Next draw a line one third up from the bottom and one slightly higher up from that ( I love big eyes so the distance between my lines are greater.)
           - Draw a contoured line for the chin and jaw line if you drew a circle (optional), add your neck and shoulders

Step 2 - Draw the eyes, nose, mouth and give your portrait some hair Remember, it's all about you and your style. Practice makes perfect. Even though there is pencil crayon on this page already, once I paint her it will all but vanish. That's the beauty of mixed media, acrylics... if you  don't like something you can paint/gesso over it and start again). There are no mistakes.

Step 3 - Get creative and have some fun. Add color, texture and lots and lots of layers.
I chose, Yellows, Pinks and White for my colors.

Here are a few of my portraits... I call them Ethnic Beauties. Hope you enjoy creating your own.

All pictures/art within this blog, WorldOWhimsy-blog spot are the sole property of Danine Mroz. No reproduction may be used without the written consent of Ms. Mroz